We are proud to announce that the new battle-royale inspired mobile game; BombSTARS, published by Good Luck 3 Inc., has been released into the App Store and Google Play!
BombSTARS sports gameplay aimed at being simple and easy to understand. Players will be pitted against up to 100 of their peers in a battle-royale styled match. Place bombs while avoiding your enemies, gain power-ups, and race for coins all while you strive to be the last player standing. Users will be able to purchase in-game skins for their characters, bombs, and blast effects.
Alongside BombSTAR’s ingame skins, users that have a crypto-wallet and ERC 721 NFTs can import their very own NFTs for use within the game! NFTs, like Crypt-OInk’s Crypton, as well as other games’ NFTs are planned for support within BombSTARS..
*There may be limitations on what can and cannot be imported.
*NFTs will need to be currently “on-chain” in order to be eligible to import.
*Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs) are itemized encrypted data that holds content purchased by users on the blockchain.
The below dapp games and their NFTs are planned to be officially supported by BombSTARS at release:
-Good Luck 3’s Crypt-Oink: Racing Friends | https://www.crypt-oink.io/
-CryptoGames’ CryptoSpells | https://cryptospells.jp/
-AXEL MARK’s Contract Servant | https://cscg.jp/
-DapperLabs’ Cryptokitties | https://www.cryptokitties.co/
-Chibi Fighters Germany’s Chibi Fighters | https://chibifighters.com/
*Other titles are also currently being considered for official support.
Here at Good Luck 3, we believe that the true power of connecting games to the blockchain is the cross-game compatibility that it enables. Users can finally take their own assets and play in the games they want with the style that they want. BombSTARS is the first step in that direction with future titles planned.
Game Info
Title: BombSTARS
Genre: Battle Royale
Monetization: Free with in-game purchases
Platform: iOS | Android
Google Play : https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=jp.gl3inc.bombstars
App Store : https://itunes.apple.com/app/id1496591538?mt=8
Twitter : https://twitter.com/GL3GameLabs
Medium : https://medium.com/gl3gamelabs/