Welfare Programs
Author:Bellicoso | 2020-08-10 14:26

For the better development of ONE World and lovely creators, let’s sign a companionship agreement and work towards our common dream—— ONE World has started to adopt long term welfare program and spotlight creator program!

Long Term Welfare Program

Starting 2020, welfare program list below may apply to all users and works.

Notice: all word counts listed below consider the word count of the published works that have been stored.

  • New Work Walfare

New works that have been stored in the game library and over 6,500 words may receive a $20 dollar reward. This reward does not stack with rewards of events and official competitions.

  • Spotlight Welfare

Through editor review or application, authors may become ONE World spotlight authors, and they will benefit from spotlight creator welfare mechanism. Besides, when spotlight author’s listed work reach 13,000 words, they can get $20 reward。(More details about spotlight author welfare see below)

  • Referral Welfare

Referee may get $20 reward if they meet one of the requirements listed below.

Introduced 5 new authors whose published work are stored in the library.

Introduced 2 new authors and whose published work reached 6,500 words count.

Introduced 1 new authors who successfully apply spotlight author.

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