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Visa launches its own NFT program – sees it as a new form of commerce

By James McQuillan

Visa has announced that it’s launching its own dedicated NFT program for ambitious creators from across a wide range of industries. Known as the Visa Creator Program, it’s an initiative that supports new artists, musicians, fashion designers and more – allowing them to learn and adopt Non Fungible Tokens (NFTs) into their systems of commerce.

Each cycle of the program will support a selected group of entrepreneurs looking to deepen their understanding of the technology and platforms underpinning NFT commerce.

“NFTs have the potential to become a powerful accelerator for the creator economy,” said Cuy Sheffield, head of crypto, Visa. “We’ve been studying the NFT ecosystem and its potential impacts on the future of commerce, retail and social media. Through the Visa Creator Program, we want to help this new breed of small and micro businesses tap into new mediums for digital commerce.”

According to Visa, the NFT program will enrol its new creators in a cohort-driven program; enabling them to develop their understanding of crypto-based commerce.

The program itself will be focused on five key areas for creators:

  • Technical and product mentorship
  • Community building
  • Access to thought leaders
  • Exposure to Visa’s clients and partners
  • Stipend
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