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Final Reward of Season III-Block Chain Cuties


The time is running out. Season III will end in less than two weeks.


It has been a wild, amazing ride and Cutieneers achieved great things during this event. We are incredibly proud of our community for crushing the forces of winter and finding all of the secret crafting recipes.

The current player top is:

  1. Rondior
  2. Spigfun
  3. Ashe
  4. Sactoken
  5. Sayembara
  6. Capronicus
  7. DemrightNow
  8. PhadeOut
  9. Mr3dds
  10. Light511

Ronidor jumped to first place, and Sactoken moved two places up.

It’s a very dynamic race, and we can’t wait to see who comes up on top at the end of the season.

What we’ve learned

During this event, Cutieneers told us that the leveling system could be better.


We agree that we need to add more incentive and nuance to it for future seasons. We are working on this.

In the future seasons, we will make sure to give more recognition to the effort our community puts in.

The last prize

The top five players have moved beyond level 150.


And it seems like there’s little to gain further on.

There seems to be an endless corridor of:

oh okay

Is it really going anywhere?

Well … yes!


Far far away, one not-so-evil genius hid a final exclusive reward.

It’s this headband.


It summons a super badass rabbit in the season’s crafting section.


We think this Cutie will be the single one in the entire game or won’t come to Cutieland at all.

And it’s a very cool rabbit.


And a strong one too.


The season leaders will have to push very hard to get it.

Once the season ends, it will all be over. Special adventure and raid boss will leave Cutieland forever.


Good luck, Cutieneers!



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