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[Daily News] MCH X Tezuka | Collaboration Node: Osamushi

Infinity Star | Massive Update and Christmas Event

Infinity Star embraces a massive update, including Christmas special event, stage improvement, change of item drop, character crafting and so forth.

Crypt-Oink | Expeditions & Badges

Two features have come to the World of Crypt-Oink—Expeditions and Badges. Players with too many Cryptons can participate in the ETH Buyback and Coink Exchange Program.

HyperDragons Year-End Festival | Four New Dragons Debut

The 2019 year-end festival of the HyperDragons will be accompanied by Christmas with 4 new dragons, including Christmas Dragon ver. 2019, Frost Dragon, Devil Dragon of Fire, and Crystal Guardian Dragon.


EGGRYPTO Official Release Updates from Beta Test

EGGRYPTO updates its official release from the beta test with three major aspects on improvement of UI and UX, bug repairment, game balance adjustment.

MCH X Tezuka | Collaboration Node: Osamushi

MCH collaborates with Tezuka Productions to launch a new node: Osamushi. Let’s play to win limited Extension of Tezuka characters!

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