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The Sandbox launches its Dashboard as it preps for SAND token sale

Things are gearing up for The Sandbox – many people’s most anticipated blockchain game.

It’s just released the first version of its Dashboard, which is its hub for many of the meta-level elements for this user-generated content platform.

Most obvious is the marketplace where players can buy in-game items and creators can sell them.

Creation occurs in a standalone package called VoxEdit. You can access an alpha version of it here.

The starting point for more

Other elements in the current version of the Dashboard – which is running in a centralized mode, so doesn’t include any blockchain functionality yet – are details of the forthcoming LAND sale.

This is the process by which sandbox environments can be bought – there will be a limited supply of 166,464 units – includes The Sandbox’s ERC20 token SAND.

The first token sale will happen through the Dashboard and you can sign up for more details when they become available.

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