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First Cheeze Wizards’ tournament gears up for action from 14 October

Despite Cheeze Wizards’ successful pre-sale, Dapper Labs was notably quiet about when its battle royale game would actually launch.

But now we have the all-important date; Monday 14 October.

The first tournament will kick off with The Gathering, in which players can summon more Wizards, with a cut from each transaction added to the competition prize pool.

Currently that stands at 600 ETH (over $125,000 at current prices).

One week later, the next phase of the tournament – called The Beat and Greet – starts, when you can start practising duels with your Wizards.

Two weeks later, it’s time for the Championship – the business end of the tournament. Players will duel until only one Wizard remains to collect the loot.

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1.5万美元等你拿!快来《Cheeze Wizards》编程大赛打造“奶酪宇宙”吧!