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Breeding Cuties For Strong Elements


Cutie breeders were focusing on maxing elements for some time. And it is understandable, having an advantage in adventures and raids is well worth it.


Cutie’s elemental powers are determined by its attributes. While attributes are determined by the genome.

When it all began the strongest elemental Cuties were the dragons aka lizards who had all of the dragon attributes.

For example, this water dragon has a huge bonus due to its attributes:

Dragon by King Nerd

A bit later the bears have come into play. Black bears like this one had earth elemental bonuses up to 11!

Cutie by PAPA

Absolute killers in some of the game’s adventures.


And now the bears are at it once again! Reaching a whopping 11 in water powers.

Cutie by Light511

Twelve attribute recipe:


For a big advantage in the Snowy Mountain adventure.


As well as fighting raid bosses.


The first such bear we noticed was bred by Light. Congratulations!

It seems that the elemental bears will be taking a lot of treasures home this season.

Will the breeders be able to get to +20 someday? We’ll wait and see.

Keep rocking, keep exploring and see ya on Blockchain Cuties!

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