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Double Tributes Come To TRON


Double Tributes Come To TRON


You might be wondering why we are once again featuring Tuna the Phteven dog. What has changed about it since the recent discovery on TRON?

The small news is that TRON’s Tuna tribute Cutie was replicated. And the big news is that she was made into a double tribute.

Double trouble incoming

Double tributes are Cuties with two golden attributes. They have a gene combination that simultaneously matches two tribute Cuties hidden in the game. These Cuties usually get the appearance of the tribute that ranks higher in the top-secret list of tribute genomes.

The most popular double tribute ever is Dalmanni — a Dalmation and Manni tribute.

Find all of them here

There are almost a thousand of them on the ETH, while TRON only has one.

Dalmanni is made stronger by its two golden attribute combo:


Each of the attributes adds sizeable bonuses:


But now Dalmanni has a worthy rival — Daltuna.

The very first Dalmation and Tuna combo in the entire game.

First Tuna Dalmation by Drake Flux

Also rocking two golden attributes.


And benefiting from both bonuses:


Congratulations, Drake Flux, on your discovery!

Daltuna seems to be a strong Cutie and a worthy opponent. We can’t wait to see if Daltunas will overthrow Dalmannis one day.

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