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New Type of Tribute Cutie Replicating Fast

New Type of Tribute Cutie Replicating Fast

There are several types of tribute Cuties that are very common in the game. The reason behind this is the ease with which some Cutieneers are able to replicate them.

Tribute cuties are unique looking pets hidden in the game. Only a specific combination of genes can get you one in the process of breeding. You can view all the tribute cuties discovered so far here.

Tributes are strong warriors so there is a lot of sense to add as many as you can to your army.

Mass tribute breeders

The most common tributes are Manni (about 3k in the game) and Dalmation (more than 1,5k in the game).

Manni and Dalmation

Just for reference, all tribute cats combined make a total of 1219 Cuties.

A new popular dog tribute

And now there seems to be another rising star among the dog tribute Cuties — Marnie.

The first Marnie ever was discovered on 11.05.2019 by Saschlander.

1st Marnie by Saschlander

Congratulations, Saschlander!

It was a result of breeding two other tribute dogs together:

And since that faithful moment, more than 40 new Marnies were born.

Marnie has a golden attribute that has some delicious bonuses.

Will Marnies rival Mannies someday? It is likely since Manni’s special attribute is not as strong, so breeding Marnies would make even more sense.

About Marnie

This tribute Cutie is inspired by one of the goofiest looking dogs ever.

Marnie is a 17-year-old female Shih Tzu and the star of Instagram. She came a very long way from being a shelter dog called Stinky to a beloved pet and internet’s sweetheart.

You can follow Marnie on Instagram here:

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