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Meet Andrew Gore from Soccer Manager in Helsinki

Meet Andrew Gore from Soccer Manager in Helsinki


Soccer and Soccer Manager fans will have the opportunity to meet Andrew Gore, CEO of Soccer Manager, at the Blockchain Gamer Connects Helsinki Global Blockchain Games Conference on September 11th and 12th.The conference runs concurrently with the PocketGamer Connects Helsinki Global Mobile Games Industry Conference, which is the largest mobile game business conference in Europe.


The popular conference attracts game professionals from across the world. Past speakers include Dylan Jones from Refereum, Nicolas Pouard from Ubisoft, Tony Pearce from Reality Clash, and many other familiar names. This year the conference pair boasts over 120 expert speakers.

Andrew Gore will be presenting Soccer Manager’s latest addition to the Soccer Manager family of games: Soccer Manager Crypto. With over 25 million downloads of the franchise’s games, Soccer Manager Crypto is highly anticipated by fans worldwide.

In this XAYA-powered edition, soccer managers take on real ownership guaranteed by the strong cryptography of the blockchain, and competitions take on a new dimension as the virtual transcends into a decentralised reality.

Tickets for the event are on sale, but time is running short with the even less than a week away.

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Soccer Manager: https://soccermanager.com/
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