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Spells of Genesis-- The first TCG pinball blockchain game

To be honest, Spells of Genesis (SoG) is by no means a newly released and it is actually a pioneer of the blockchain gaming industry, yet if you’re tired of common TCGs, this blend of TCG, Arcade and blockchain is even fresher than fresh ones.

You may get confused by the phrase “TCG+Arcade”, but this is a pinball game!

In Advantures, the cards attack by shooting out a ball. Every card has different speed, attack and magic. You can upgrade and combine the cards to enhance those abilities and trade the fully upgraded ones on blockchain.

More surprisingly, players can enjoy this title on various platform and play all the way through without spending any money. This is an ideal choice for players who are new to blockchain and the development team also hope it can introduce more players to the cryptoworld.

Players can enjoy the Adventure Mode, which features diverse levels, fast pace and more. If that is not enough for you, you can also compete with others in the League and get rewarded according to your rank.

New cards and adventures are waiting for you. Come on!

You can also see our exclusive interview with Markéta Korteova the COO of SoG dev team.

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Spells of Genesis (SoG)
Spells of Genesis (SoG)
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