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Vitalik Buterin’s Girlfriend?

Many of us know Vitalik Buterin as the Ethereum founder and crypto wonderboy, but how many of us really know the person behind one of this decade’s most innovative blockchain technologies?

At just 23 years old, Vitalik garners heavy interests in the technology space. The former editor of Bitcoin Magazine and Thiel Fellow is estimated to be worth over 100 million dollars. It’s no secret – we can check the blockchain to view his public Ethereum wallet here.  Wow! 122 Million Dollars! With that kind of money, we can’t help but wonder if this boy genius has a girlfriend!

Our investigative team here at Cryptogeist decided to investigate further. Our first task was to research Vitalik’s background thoroughly. According to direct sources, Vitalik was a heavy World of Warcraft gamer during high school in Canada. It was through an extremely traumatic experience there that formulated his philosophy against centralized services. Since Vitalik was known to be more of a gamer rather than a player during his school years, we speculate that his newfound status as a crypto celebrity would definitely attract the hotties.

We decided to hit up our contacts at various blockchain/fin-tech startups. One of our sources, who has decided to remain anonymous gave some interesting information. Rumor has it, during his advising of the Kyber Network Project in Singapore, Vitalik was rumored to be romantically involved with a lady on that team. 

While most people would be glad if Vitalik has found love, some crypto fans are extremely concerned. Many ethereum supporters are worried about Vitalik’s focus and dedication to Ethereum, especially if a girlfriend enters the picture. Will she or Ethereum be his first true love? As Youtuber “Ivan on Tech“ has mentioned in his analysis of Ethereum vs Bitcoin – the major X-factor is Vitalik vs Satoshi.The cult of personality surrounding Vitalik is unprecedented and many worry that without him the project would be doomed. Thus his input in leading the Ethereum Foundation is of utmost importance and is something Bitcoin cannot replicate.

Recently, however, some sources have recently spotted Vitalik with a female acquaintance at the Ethereum developer conference, devcon3 in Cancun, Mexico. Vitalik was seen sunbathing with his lady friend on the playa. We weren’t able to get pictures and weren’t able to pry much further, so we will let Vitalik naturally take his time to reveal who his special partner is. Hopefully, that can be included in the Serenity update.

When previously asked about his relationship status, Vitalik has remained coy:

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