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Hash Rush - Sci-Fi RTS cosmic colony mining game


        The game introduced to you today, called Hash Rush, is a science fiction PC real-time strategic blockchain game (RTS) based on Ethereum. The game applies cryptocurrency mining to the game, so players can actually make a profit in the game. Players need to build their own colonies in the virtual universe, mine minerals, protect their territory, and make this field the envy of the entire galaxy.

        Players need to build mining groups, complete missions, and resist possible dangers, such as wild animals and other camps and ethnic attacks. Of course, players can also freely build their own fields and create their favorite buildings to create their own unique. Planet, while resources and props are freely traded in the market, to the maximum extent to ensure the player's income.

        The style of painting has some avatar feelings, and it is very sci-fi and exquisite, giving players a new experience with immersiveness.

        Are you interested in this game? Let's take a look at the game to get a deeper look.


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